Hands First! Protect, Nourish, Moisturize!
Winter season can be harsh for our hands! They exposed to a cold temperature and the wind.
We wash them non stop at home or at work, often applying alcohol-based sanitizers. That will stripp off the important protective lipids that are needed to keep the skin healthy.
In the result the skin is over dry, itchy with redness, or a rash, which could require more time to heal. Severely dry skin can cause deep cracks or fissures, which can open and bleed, providing an avenue for invading bacteria.
An extra care on a daily basis is required to help the hand skin to recuperate.
- Wear gloves at home while cleaning, washing dishes or other specific outside jobs.
- Apply a reacher hand cream after washing them.
- Keep the treatment cream at your bed night table, to be used every night.
Karolina Rejuvenating Hand Cream – rich with healing ingredients including Shea Butter, Avocado oil, and Arnica. Natural polyphenols in Olive Oil are to help healing over dry, chapped or irritated skin. It is an excellent emollient. Best to use at night: your skin will recuperate to its best feel and a healthier look.